Stavrou D, Weissman O, Tessone A, Zilinsky I, Holloway S, Boyd J, Haik J. Health related quality of life in burn patients--a review of the literature. Burns. 2014 Aug;40(5):788-96. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2013.11.014. Epub 2014 Jan 13. PMID: 24433939.
The burn trauma is multifactorial and involves pathophysiologic processes of all of the body's systems. The impact it could have on a person's life includes impairments on their esthetic appearance, interpersonal relationships, psychological, social and physical functioning. Previously, the outcomes of burn care were confined in the context of mortality and length of hospital stay. Currently, a shift is afoot from defining good health care as merely the reduction of morbidity and mortality to a more holistic approach that involves aspects of Health Related Quality of Life. In this article we aim to present a concise review of the relevant literature and relevant topics pertaining Health Related Quality of Life and burn.
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